인천 송도원어민 영어과외,테크노파크역,캠퍼스타운역 부평역,인천지구 원어민 영어과외
오류역 원어민영어과외,내일은 선거일입니다. 원어민영어강사중에서도 선거권이 있는 분도
계십니다. 영주권자이면서 한국에서 3년이상 거주한 분들에게 선거권이 부여된다고 합니다.
프라임 교육은 인천송도,청라에서도 기업출강 외국어교육 원어민과외를 하고 있습니다.
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1:1 – Group Classes from Hi English and Prime English June 2016 to present
I have taught group classes at KECC for Hi English, the Starbucks CFO and other 1:1 students for Prime English and other companies.
ECC YBM Mansu, South Korea December 2016 to present
I am teaching kindergarten, Elementary and Middle School children English
Avalon English Incheon Nonhyeon, South Korea August 2016 to November 2016
I taught Elementary and Middle School children English.
YBM SISA ELS Gangnam Daero Seoul, South Korea. July 2015 to July 2016
I am the Senior Instructor with responsible for creating student curriculum and teaching
YBM SISA ELS Shinchon Seoul, South Korea.July 2013 to June 2015
I was the Senior Instructor with responsible for student curriculum and teaching standards. I was briefly Academic Supervisor during a transition period.
YBM SISA ELS Guro Seoul, South Korea. July 2009 to June 2013
I was the Academic Supervisor of a small team with responsible for recruiting instructors, training student curriculum and teaching standards.
YBM SISA ELS Youngdeungpo Seoul, South Korea. 2003 to 2009
The school has provided me with the chance to revert back to teaching adults. I teach a range of levels from Beginners to Advanced Free Conversation classes.
YBM SISA ECC in Gangneung, South Korea. 2001 to 2002
Being my first year of teaching English in Korea, I accepted this position as it offered me an opportunity to teach children for the first time.
Other Schools 1997 to 2000
I taught adults of all ages and levels at Dilko English, Istanbul, Turkey. This school had a very professional outlook, which was great to be part of. I worked for English Fast Ltd. and Antik English Ltd before that. Both were adult education centers for English in Turkey. I taught Business English at these schools as well. I also taught in Riga, Latvia.
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