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Part time jobs in Korea,Full time jobs in Korea.

by 프라임교육 2017. 11. 10.


 1) Part time Job at Su jin   station   (no. 8 line)수진역 

1. Location : Su jin or Tae pyoung station (It takes 15 minutes to walk  from station)
2. class  time :at  7 pm on Mon once a week  for 1hour.
3. Student: 1 male adult who is a bigneer                    

4. only  English  native speaker who can speake Korean a little ​                                           

B : Part time Job at Gu ro digital station(No2.line) Model job We are looking for 3~4 women,
1. Location : Gu ro digital station(It takes 5 minutes to walk there)
2. time : They can fit your time on week days for 1~2 hours (They prefer 3rd or 4th.May).          
3. Job : Shooting pictures ( cosmetics )                                                                 

4. only Caucasian 3 ~4  female (20s ~30s)
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

) Part time Job at Kwang gyo jung ang   station     (no.shin bun dang line) 수원시청역 광교중앙역 수원역
1. Location :Kwang gyo jung ang station (It takes 15 minutes to walk  from station, 3 bus stops)
2. class  time :at 8:30pm on weekdays or  anytime onweekend once a week for 1.5hours or 1 hour
3. Student  : 1 6th grade middle school boy                                         
4. only  English native speaker .
5. How to apply :  please send me your information to my e mail :  pg8126677@naver.com   

Part time Job at Ap gu jeong station (no. 3 line) 압구정역
1. Location : Ap gu jeong  station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  from station)
2. class  time :at 5pm  on Thurs once a week for 1hour
3. Student  : 5th grade ele school student                                         
4. only female  English native speaker .
5. How to apply :  please send me your information to my e mail :  pg8126677@naver.com

Part time Job at Hwa seo   station (no.1 line) 화서역 수원시
1. Location : Hwa seo  station (It takes 10 minutes to walk  from station)
2. class  time :3~ 4 pm on weekdays  once  a week for 1hour
3. Student  : 1 1st grade ele school girl who will go  Canada                                 
4. only female  English native speaker .
5. How to apply :  please send me your information to my e mail :  pg8126677@naver.com

Part time Job at Kang nam gu office  station (no. or Bundang line) 강남구청역
1. Location : Kang nam gu office  station (It takes 3 minutes to walk  from station)
2. class  time :after2:30pm anytime on Tue Thurs and after 3;30pm anytime on MWF or anytime weekend 2~3times  a week for 1hour
3. Student  : 3-year-old boy who wants to prepare Chedwik interview                                          
4. only female  English native speaker who can prepare chedwik interview class.
5. How to apply :  please send me your information to my e mail :  pg8126677@naver.com

Part time Job at Imae  station  (No.Bundang  line)이매역
1. Location ;I  mae   station (It takes 10 minutes to walk  there  )
2.class  time : He can fit your time after school   2 times a week for 1.5 hours a week.                                                             

3. Student : 1 6th grade ele school boy  who will go Australia
4. only  female English  Native speaker :
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no                                      6. Can you send me your time

Part time Job at Kang nam gu office  station (no. or Bundang line) 강남구청
1. Location : Kang nam gu office  station (It takes 3 minutes to walk  from station)
2. class  time :after2:30pm anytime on Tue Thurs and after 3;30pm anytime on MWF or anytime weekend 2~3times  a week for 1hour
3. Student  : 3-year-old boy who wants to prepare Chedwik interview                                          
4. only female  English native speaker who can prepare chedwik interview class.
5. How to apply :  please send me your information to my e mail :  pg8126677@naver.com

Part time Job at In duck won  station (no.4 line) 인덕원역
1. Location : In duck won office  station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  from station)
2. class  time :6 pm on W once  a week for 1hour
3. Student  : 5 and 7 years old kids                                          
4. only female  English native speaker .
5. How to apply :  please send me your information to my e mail :  pg8126677@naver.com


Part time Job for kid model
1. Location ;Seoul
2.date and   time : next week oneday for 1hour                                           

3. Job :Education  shooting video to.talk with Korean kid in English
4. only white female  English  Native speaker 10s.
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone 

Payment : You can send payment that you want , I will choose the model who can work low payment ) thank you.

2)) Part time Job at Ahn Yang or Bum Ke station  (No.1./ 4 line) 안양역 / 범계역
1. Location ;Ahn yang /Bum ke station (It takes 10 minutes to walk  there from station )
2.class  time : He can fit your time  on Wed once a week for 1hour                                           

3. Student : one 2nd ele school boy
4. only English  Native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

 2) Part time at Shin sa   station  ( no.3 line) 신사역
1. Location : Shin sa  station (It takes 5 minutes from station on foot)
2.  time :  from9am to 6pm on 20th from9 am to 2pm on 21st Feb                             
3. Job : shooting video : dotor or patient                                                    

4. only white male and female 20s and 4~50s
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no  

Part time Job at Su ji office  station  (No. Shin bun dang line)수지구역
1. Location ;Su ju office station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  there  )
2.class  time : at 4;30pm on Tue or Thurs  for 1 hour                                                   

3. Student : one female adult who can speak English and has studied in Austrialia
4. only  English  Native speaker :
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

Part time Job at Seo Heong li station Jang dang dong Pyoung taek city.
1. Location ;Jang dang dong city Kyoung ki do
2. Working time : at 2;30 or at 8pm  on Tue or Thur a week for 1.5 hours                               

3. Students : 1 adult who is beginner.
4. only English native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone.

part time at   Dang san station  (.No 2 line)
1. Location : Dang san station  (It takes 10 minutes from station)
2. class  time :anytime on Mon ,from 10am to 1pm or 7pm ~10pm / 10am~1pm on W,Th,F, 4pm~10pm on Sun You can choose only 1 time once week for 1 hour                               
3. Student : one adilt sing a song writer who wants to write song in English and Practice pronunciation
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

Part time Job at Seo Heong li station Jang dang dong Pyoung taek city.
1. Location ;Jang dang dong city Kyoung ki do
2. Working time : at 2;30 or at 8pm  on Tue or Thur a week for 1.5 hours                               

3. Students : 1 adult who is beginner.
4. only English native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone.

Part time Job at Go hyun dong Oh san Univ. station (No.1 line) 오산대역
1. Location ;Oh san Univ station Go hyun dong
2. class time : at 6: 30pm on Wed   once a week for 1.5 hours
3. Student : 1 adult who is a beginner.
4. only  English  Native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

SSAT Math or English Part time at Jung ang  station  ( no.4 line) 중앙역
1. Location : Jung ang station (It takes  25minutes to get there from station by bus, 7 bus stops  )
2. class  time : from 10am to 3pm or 8pm to12pm on weekdays or weekend twice a week for 1.5 hours                                
3. Student : 3th grade  middle school boy who has to prepare international school for 9th grade.SSAT                                                      

4. only English native speaker. and Korean who can teach American math ssat 
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

  3)Part time Job at Su ji gu office  station  (no. sin bundang  line) 수지구청역
1. Location : Su ji gu office station (It takes 15 minutes from station by bus))
2. class  time :from 8 30 am to 5;30pm  weekdays
3. Students  : kindergarten                                                   

4. only  English native speaker.
5. How to apply :  please send me your information to my e mail :  pg8126677@naver.com                                                            

6.Salary : 2,1~2.4 mil

7.Provide : Housing or Housing allowance Insurance                                                          

4)Part time Job in  Seoul
1. Location : Seoul
2. class  time : 2~ 3 hours a day  4 times  in Jan          
3.Model for women' bag.           4. only white female
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

Part time Job at Shin do lim station  (no.2 line)신도림역
1. Location : Shin do lim station (It take 5 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :He can fit your time  on weekdays  once  a week for 1.5 hours (11 year old kid) 

                   from 10am to 12pm three times a week for 2 hours (from 11th Jan to 28th Feb 8-yea-old girl)           
3. Student : 11-year-old kid / 8-year-old girl


4. only English native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

Part time Job at Sin mok dong station  (no.9 line) 신목동역
1. Location : Sin mok dong station (It takes 5 minutes from station))
2. class  time :at 4;30pm on Mon and at 6pm on Thurs  twice a week for 1.5 hours             
3. Student : 10-year-old boy who has to prepare international school interview (NLCS)Math and English (He wants 5th grade) 
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no                               

4. Teacher who can prepare NLCS interview in English and Korean

Part time Job at Do gok  station  (no.3 line) 도곡
1. Location : Dae Chi dong station (It takes 5 minutes from station))
2. class  time :anytime 5~7 days  a week for 1.5 hours             
3. Student : 14-year-old girl who has to prepare international school interview (Branksome)Math or English
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no                               

4. Teacher who can prepare Branksome interview in English or Korean

Part time Job at Sin mok dong station  (no.9 line) 신목동역
1. Location : Sin mok dong station (It takes 5 minutes from station))
2. class  time :at 3pm on Wed and Fri twice a week for 1.5 hours             
3. Student : 7-year-old boy who has to prepare international school interview (NLCS)Math and English 
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no                               

4. Teacher who can prepare NLCS interview in English and Korean

1)Part time Job at Jeung san station  (no. 6 line)증산역
1. Location : Jeung san  station (It take 10 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :at 1~2pm  on Tue or Thurs  once  a week for 1~1.5 hours                              
3. Student : three 3- year- old kids                        4. only English  Native speakr
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.        

 2) Part time at Sinlim  station  ( no.2 line) 신림역
1. Location : Sinlim station (It takes 10minutes from station by bus)
2. class  time : at 8pm on Wed and Thurs  twice a week for 1. hour                               
3. Student : 6 years old kid who has attended English Kindergarten                                                      4. only female English native speaker. 
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

) Part time at Sam gakji or Hyo chang park  station  ( no.6line) 삼각지역 ,효창공원앞역
1. Location : Sam gak ji or Hyo chang park station (It takes 5minutes to walk  from station )
2. class  time : at 12pm on Wed & Thurs  once a week for 1.5 hours                               
3. Student : 1 28-year-old man who has studied in USA .                                                     

4. only English native speaker. 
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no    

2)Part time at Moon jeong station  ( no.8 line) 문정역
1. Location : Moon jeong  station (It takes 10minutes to walk  from station )
2. class  time : at 8am on Weekdays  once a week for 1. hour                               
3. Student : 4~5 adults co workers.                                                     

4. only English native speaker. 
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no  

3)Part time at Sinlim  station  ( no.2 line) 신림역
1. Location : Sinlim station (It takes 10minutes from station by bus)
2. class  time : at 8pm on Wed and Thurs  twice a week for 1. hour                               
3. Student : 6 years old kid who has attended English Kindergarten                                                      4. only female English native speaker. 
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

Part time Job at Yeo uido station  (no. 5 line)여의도역
1. Location : Yeo uido  station (It take 5 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :at 3pm  on Tue  once  a week for 1hour                              
3. Student : 1 adult male who can speak a little

4. only female English  Native speakr
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

Part time Job at Jam won station  (no. 3 line) 잠원역
1. Location : Jam won station (It takes 5 minutes from station))
2. class  time :at 6 30 pm on Thurs at 10 am on Sat.         

They want to start at 6 pm on 11th Jan
3. Students : 1st ele school grade+ his mom 
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no                                

6. payment : 44000/ 1hour there are 2 students in one class.

Part time Job in Jeung san Sation (N. 6line)  Seoul
1. Location : Jeung san station (No. 6line ) (It takes 10minutes from station)
2. class  time : 1 or 2 pm on Tue or Thurs twice a week. For 1 ~ 1,5 hours.           
3.students ;  three 4-year-old kids        4. only English native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

Full time Job at Su ji gu office  station  (no. sin bundang  line) 신분당역
1. Location : Su ji gu office station (It takes 15 minutes from station by bus))
2. class  time :from 8 30 am to 5;30pm  weekdays
3. Students  : kindergarten                                                   

4. only  English native speaker.
5. How to apply :  please send me your information to my e mail :  

6.Salary : 2,1~2.4 mil

7.Provide : Housing or Housing allowance Insurance

Part time at Dae cheong  station  (.No 3 line)대청역
1. Location : Dae cheong station (It takes 7 minutes from station)
2. class  time :at 11am on Sat once a week for 1.5 hours                                
3. Student : 7 years old boy                                                                                   

4. only English native speaker  
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

Part time at  Sinyongsan station  (No 4  line)신용산역
1. Location : Sinyongsan station (It takes 7 minutes from station)
2. class  time :  5;30pm anytime  on Tue and Thurs twice a week for 1.5 hours                                
3. Student : 3rd grade ele school girl                                                      

4. only English native speaker   
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

Part time Job at Jung moon dong Seo gyu po si Je ju island
1. Location : Jung moon dong Seo gyu po si Jeju island
2. class  time : She can fit your time
3. Student : one female  adult


4. only English native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

Part time Job at Express bus terminal  station (No.3 line)고속터미역
1. Location ;Express bus terminal station (It takes 5 minutes to get  there from on foot  )
2.class  time :  at 6pm afteranytime  on Tue or Wed once a week  for 1 hour                                                  

3. Student : 7 years old girl whoes level is gate twincle, Alpha,ile
4. only  English  Native speaker .
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

Part time Job at Duck so  station  (No.Kyoung eui Jung ahning  line)덕소역
1. Location ;Duck so  station (It takes 10 minutes to get  there  )
2.class  time : after 5pm on M,T,Th, for 1 hour once a week                                                   3. Student : 5 years old boy
4. only  English  Native speaker .
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

Part time Job at Eo jeong  station  (No. Everline line)어정역
1. Location ;Eo joeng  station (It takes 10 minutes to get  there from Juk jeon by bus )
2.class  time : They want as soon as possble from this week after 3 weeks (vaction) only 8 times  for 2 hours                        3. Student : 2nd and 3rd middle school students who are  an  international school students
4. only  English  Native speaker .
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

Part time Job at Kang nam station 강남역(No.2line)
1. Location ;Kang nam station ( lt takes 5 minutes to walk there)
2.working time : from 11th Dec   only 4~8 days  for 4,or 8 hours or weekend they can fit your timm                                            

3. Job : shooting English Education Video
4. only   English  Native speaker 20s,30s male and female American or Canadian : 2~4 people
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

 Part time Kwang gyo Jung ang station (Ajou Univ) (No.Shin Bun dang line) 광교중앙
1.Station ; Kwang gyo Jung ang station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  there from station )
2.class  time : on weekdays 5times a week for 1hour                                            

3. Student : one female adult
4. only English  Native speaker who know financial business
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

 Part time Job at Shin do lim station  (No.2 line) 신도림역
1. Location ; Shin do lim station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  there from station )
2.class  time : after anytime  on M,T,W,Thur once a week for 1hour                                            

3. Student : one female adult
4. only English  Native speaker who know financial business
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no


Part time Job at Gu ro station  (no. 1 line) 구로역
1. Location : Gu ro station (It take 5 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :after 6pm anytime  on M,T,W,Th,F  twice  a week for 1.5hour                              
3. Students : three  5-year-old boys
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no

Part time Job at Cheol san station  (no.7 line)철산역
1. Location : Cheol san  station (It take 10 minutes to walk  there )
2. class  time :2pm  on Sat once a week for 1.5 hours from 9th Dec.                           
3. Students. : 1 couple                                             4. only female English native speaker
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

 Part time Job at Shin do lim station  (No.2 line) 신도림역
1. Location ; Shin do lim station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  there from station )
2.class  time : after anytime  on M,T,W,Thur once a week for 1hour                                            

3. Student : one female adult
4. only English  Native speaker who know financial business
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

 Part time Job at Wang simli   station  (No.2 line) 왕십리역
1. Location ;Wang shimli station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  there from station )
2.class  time : at 8 pm  on anyday  for 1.5 hours  or anytime on  Thurs                                           

3. Student : one female adult
4. only English  Native speaker who know financial business
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

Part time Job at Kang byun  station  (No.2 line) 강변역
1. Location ;Kang byun  station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  there from station )
2.class  time : at 10am  on weekend twice  a week for 1.5 hours                                               

3. Student : one female adult and 1 middle school girl
4. only English  Native speaker who can bring University degree
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no              

Part time Job at Wang simli   station  (No.2 line) 왕십리역
1. Location ;Wang shimli station (It takes 5 minutes to walk  there from station )
2.class  time : at 4pm  on Tue for 1.5 hours                                                3. Student : one female adult
4. only English  Native speaker who know financial business
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

Part time Job at Dang san  station  (no.2 line)신도림역
1. Location : Dang san  station (It take 5 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :at2 or 3 pm  on weekdays  twice a week for 1 hours                               
3. Student : 1 40s male executive                               4. only female English native speaker or Korean who can speak English fluently and has been America or Canada
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

Part time Job at Duck yi  dong 덕이동
1. Location ; Duck yi dong Tan hyun station (No. Kyoung yi Jung ang line) (It takes 20 minutes from station on foot)
2. Working time : Morning time on any week days twice a week for 1 hour                   

3. Student : one 50s female adult who is a beginner like kinder student.
4. only English native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone.

 Part time Job at In duk won station  (no.4 line) 인덕원역
1. Location : In duk won  station (It take 10 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :at 5 or 6 pn on Tue,Wed,Thurs once a week for 2 hours                               
3. Students : 4-year-old girl & 6-year-old girl  who wants to take for 1 hour each other.                                      4. Female English native speaker or Korean who can speak English fuently and has been America or Canada
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

Part time Job at Seong bok  station  (no. Bundang  line) 분당역
1. Location : Seong bok  station (It take 10 minutes to get there by bus )
2. class  time :at 9 : 30 or 10am  on Sat  once  a week for 1hour                              
3. Student : a 6-year-old boy                                  

4. only English  Native speaker

5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

Part time Job at Mang po  station  (no. Bundang  line) 망포역
1. Location : Mang po  station (It take 10 minutes to walk there  )
2. class  time :after 4pm   on weekdays   once or twice   a week for 1hour  from 26th Dec.                            
3. Student : a 6th grade ele school girl                                   

4. only English  Native speaker

5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

Part time Job at Mi ah station  (no. 4 line) 미아역
1. Location ;Mi ah  station (It take 10 minutes to get there by bus )
2.class  time :At 3 or 4 or 5 pm   on Tue &Thurs   twice  a week for 1.5 hours                                

3. Student : twince  3rd grade ele school girls who will attend International school
4. only English  Native speakr .
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone.

Part time Job at Do gok  station  (no. 3 line) 도곡역
1. Location ;Do gok  station (It take 5 minutes to walk there  )
2.class  time :Morning   on Tue  once  a week for 1.5 hours                                

3. Student : one male adult
4. only English  Native speakr .
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Ph

Part time Job at Hong ik Univ. station (No.2 line) 홍대입구
1. Location ;Hong Ik  station (It take 5 minutes to walk there  )
2. Working time : They can fit your day and  time                                 

3. Job : Model for musci video (Indi band)
4. only White or Black female 20s
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone.

Part time Job at Mi yang myoun Ahn seong city Kyoung ki do
1. Location ;Mi yang myoung Ahn seong city Kyoung ki do 
2. Working time : at 5;30pm on weekdays twice a week for 2 hours                               

3. Students : 4 adults who work in same company and want to study Basic Business English conversation.
4. only English native speaker
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone.

6.They will pick tutor up at Jung ang Univ and give a ride to Pyoung tae station after class.

Part time Job at Duck so station  (no. Kyoung eui line)덕소역
1. Location :  Duck so station (It take 18 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :at 5pm on Tue and  Thurs   twice  a week for 1 hour                              

3. Student : one 5 year old boy
4. only English  Native speakr who can teach phonix and read books in English .
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.

Part time Job at Pan gyo station  (no. Bun dang  line) 분당역
1. Location : Pan gyo  station (It take 10 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :Morning or after 5pm on weekdays for 90 minutes (from 12th Jan)                      

3. Student : 7-year-old boy(after 5pm class) , 3rd grade eleschool boy(morning class)
4. only English  Native speakr
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.


Part time Job at Gasan digital complex  station ( 1.7 line)가산디지털미디어역
1. Location ;Ga san digital  complex station
2.working time : They can fit your time                                 

3. Job : shooting video for kids
4. only  English  Native speaker .
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no

Part time Job at Isu station  (no. 4,7 line) 이수역 :end
1. Location :  isu  station (It take 5 minutes to get there on foot )
2. class  time :You can start between 5and 7 pm on Wed or Thurs   once  a week for 1 hour                              

3. Student : 4 and 5 year-old boys
4. only English  Native speakr who can teach phonix and read books in English .
5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no.
