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Part time jobs in Korea , Seoul, Kyoung ki do

by 프라임교육 2016. 9. 8.

Part time job at Mang woo station.(No.Kyoung chun or Kyoung yi  Green+Bule  line)

1. Location ;Mang woo  station (It takes 3 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : after 5pm on Mon after 6pm on Tue Thurs Fri   twice a week for 60 or 90 minutes.anytime after 5-6pm                     

3. Student : one 6th ele grade student
4. Student level : intergrade

5. only Brithish  English Native speaker 
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no. 

Part time job at Tan hyun station.(No.Kyoung yi  Green+Bule  line) ll san seo gu Go yang city

1. Location ;Tan hyun  station (It takes 3 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : at 12pm or 1pm  on Tue or at 12pm or 1pm or 2pm  on Fri  once a week for 60  minutes.                  

3. Student : one female adult
4. Student level : intergrade+beginner

5. only  female English Native speaker 
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.

1) Part time Job at Kwa cheon  li station(No.4 line)
1. Location: Kwa cheon station (It takes 10 minutes to get there from station on foot ) 과천역
2.class  time : after 5;30 pm on Mon & Thurs twice a week for 1 hour.                                         

3. Student : one 6th grade ele school girl
4. only female  English  Native speaker
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone  no



Part time job at Bul kwang  station or Kyoung bok gung station Seoul  ( No 3 line )

1. Location ; Kyoung bok gung or Bul kwang  station (It takes 15 minutes to get there by bus) 
2. Class time : at 5;30~6:00pm on Fri once a week for 90 minutes. If you send me your time , I will ask her to fit .                               

3. Student : one 2nd middle school student
4. Student level : prepare to attend international school

5. only English Native speaker 
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher

Part time job at Ap gu jeong ro deo station  Seoul  ( Bundang yellow  line )

1. Location ; Ap gu jeong rodeo station (It takes 3 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : at 9;30~10:00am on Mon or Sat twice a week for 90 minutes. If you send me your time , I will ask him to fit .                               

3. Student : one adult who is a boss.
4. Student level :

5. only English Native speaker 
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher 


Part time job at Keom neong station Pa ju city (Kyoung yi line)

1. Location ; Keom neong station  (It takes 5 minutes to get from station on foot ) 
2. Class time : at 2pm on Tue once a week                                                                                            3. Students : 1st grade ele studnet
4. Student level : beginner
5. only English Native speaker
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume                                7. Payment :



Part time job at  Cho dang staion ( Ever line)Jung dong  Yong in city 

1. Location ; Cho dang station  (It takes 5 minutes to get from Cho dang station  on foot ) 
2. Class time : You can choose class time from 9am~1pm. 3pm ~8pm  on Saterday or 5pm~9pm on Mon or Wed or Fri 1~2 times a week for 90 minutes                                                      3. Students : 8th grade international school girl
4. TOEIC and Writing
5. only English Native speaker; American or Canadian
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume                              



Part time job at Ju yeop dong llsan Seo gu

1. Location ; Ju yeop dong (It takes 5 minutes to get from Ju yeop station on foot ) 
2. Class time : at 11am on Saterday twice a month for 1 hour 2nd and 4th weekend  from 8th Oct.                3. Students : ele kids
4. Student level : beginners
5. only English Native speaker
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume                                



Part time job at Hyo Chang going won station Yong san gu Seoul(No.6 line)

1. Location ;Hyo chang gong won station (It takes 5 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : from 4;pm~6;pm on Wed and Friday twice week for 60 minutes                                


3. Students : three 6-year-old kids (2 girls and 1 boy)
4. Student level : basic

5. only English Native speaker :   
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher

8. If you send me your time, I will ask their mom .




Part time job at Dong cheon station Su ji gu Yong inn city

1. Location ; Dong cheon station (It takes 5 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : at 4;30pm on Mon or Wed once a week for 90 minutes                                

3. Students : 2 3rd grade ele school studnets
4. Student level : international school students

5. only female English Native speaker : Korean American   
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher


Part time job at Nam san station Nam san dong Guem jeong gu  Busan city


1. Location ; Nam san station (It takes 5 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : at 4pm on Thurs or Fri once a week for 90 minutes                                

3. Students : one 4-year-old boy
4. Student level : beginner 

5. only female English Native speaker  
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher




Part time job at Seok chon station Seok chon dong Song pa gu ( No 8 line )

1. Location ; Seok chon  station (It takes 10 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : around 5pm on Sun once a week for 60 minutes                                

3. Students : one female adult
4. Student level : beginner 

5. only English Native speaker  
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher

Part time job at Shin non hyun station Non hyun dong Kang nam gu Seoul ( No 9 line )

1. Location ; Shin non hyun  station (It takes 5 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : at 2pm on Sat once a week for 60 minutes(24th Sep) after first class He wants at 9~10am on every Sat                                

3. Students : one male adult
4. Student level : beginner 

5. only English Native speaker  
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher




Part time job at Hong ik Univ station Ma po gu seoul

1. Location ; Hong ik Univ  station (It takes 7 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : He can fit your time on Sat once a week for 60 minutes                                

3. Students : 7 years od boy who attend English Kindergarten
4. Student level :  

5. only English Native speaker  
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher



Part time job at Un jeong station Pa ju city

1. Location ; Un jeong station (It takes 7 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : after 7~8pm on weekdays 2~4 times a week                                 

3. Students : 1st grade high school student who will go to Philippines in this winter
4. Student level : prepare internation school study in Philippines. 

5. only English Native speaker or Filipino. 
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher


Part time job at Cho ji station An san city

1. Location ; Cho ji station (It takes 10 minutes to get there on foot) 
2. Class time : You can start from9 am to 11am on SAT once a week                                 

3. Students : 7-year-old boy
4. Student level : beginner 

5. only English Native speaker  
pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.  

7. kakaotalk : primeteacher


Part part time job at Pan gyo dong Bun dang  gu

1. Location ; Won villahe at Pan gyo dong  Bundang gu
2. Class time ;  after school  2 times a week on Tue and Thurs for 90 +90 minutes         

3. Student : A 2nd and 4th  grade ele school students

4. student level :beginners

5. only  female English Native speaker


Part part time job at Cheol san station (No.7 line) 

1. Location ; Cheol san station (It takes 5 minutes from station on foot)
2. Class time ; after 7pm weekdays or anytime weekend for 90 minutes         

3. Student : an male adult who has to prepare job interview

4. student level : in tergrade

5. only  English Native speaker

6.kakao : primteacher

7.please send me your resume photo and phone no : pg8126677@naver.com
