Part time job at Mang woo station.(No.Kyoung chun or Kyoung yi Green+Bule line)
1. Location ;Mang woo station (It takes 3 minutes to get there on foot)
2. Class time : after 5pm on Mon after 6pm on Tue Thurs Fri twice a week for 60 or 90 minutes.anytime after 5-6pm
3. Student : one 6th ele grade student
4. Student level : intergrade
5. only Brithish English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.
Part time job at Tan hyun station.(No.Kyoung yi Green+Bule line) ll san seo gu Go yang city
1. Location ;Tan hyun station (It takes 3 minutes to get there on foot)
2. Class time : at 12pm or 1pm on Tue or at 12pm or 1pm or 2pm on Fri once a week for 60 minutes.
3. Student : one female adult
4. Student level : intergrade+beginner
5. only female English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.
1) Part time Job at Kwa cheon li station(No.4 line)
1. Location: Kwa cheon station (It takes 10 minutes to get there from station on foot ) 과천역
2.class time : after 5;30 pm on Mon & Thurs twice a week for 1 hour.
3. Student : one 6th grade ele school girl
4. only female English Native speaker
5. please send me your C.V and photo and Korean Phone no
Part time job at Bul kwang station or Kyoung bok gung station Seoul ( No 3 line )
1. Location ; Kyoung bok gung or Bul kwang station (It takes 15 minutes to get there by bus)
2. Class time : at 5;30~6:00pm on Fri once a week for 90 minutes. If you send me your time , I will ask her to fit .
3. Student : one 2nd middle school student
4. Student level : prepare to attend international school
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.
7. kakaotalk : primeteacher