Part time job at Un jeong station
1. Location ; Seong bok station Her mom will pick you up station (It takes 15 minutes to get from Seong bok station on foot )
2. Class time : after 6pm on weekday + anytime twice a week for 90 minutes
3. Student: 3rd high school student (girl)
4. Student level : Unv. enternece interview
5. only English Native speaker:
6. please send me your resume and photo
8.kakao id : primeteacher
Part time job at Seong Bok station Su ji gu Yong in city Jyoung ki do Korea
(No Bun dang line)성복역
1. Location ; Seong bok station Her mom will pick you up station (It takes 15 minutes to get from Seong bok station on foot )
2. Class time : after 6pm on weekday + anytime twice a week for 90 minutes
3. Student: 3rd high school student (girl)
4. Student level : Unv. enternece interview
5. only English Native speaker:
6. please send me your resume and photo
8.kakao id : primeteacher
Part part time job at Oh mok gyo station Yang cheon gu (Oh mok gyo no 5 line)
1. Location ; Oh mok gyo station
2. Class time ; at 11am once a week on Mon or Tue or Fri for 60 minutes
3. Student : 28-month-old baby
4. student level :beginner
5. only English Native speaker
Part part time job at Pan gyo dong Bun dang gu
1. Location ; Won villahe at Pan gyo dong Bundang gu
2. Class time ; after school 2 times a week on Tue and Thurs for 90 +90 minutes
3. Student : A 2nd and 4th grade ele school students
4. student level :beginners
5. only female English Native speaker
Part time job at Shin gal station Ki heong Yong in city Jyoung ki do Korea
(No Bun dang line)신갈역
1. Location ;Shin gal station (It takes 15 minutes to get from Shin cehon station on foot )
2. Class time : around 7 pm on weekday once a week for 90 minutes
3. Student: 6th grade ele school student (girl)
4. Student level : beginner + intergrade
5. only female English Native speaker:
6. please send me your resume and photo
8.kakao id : primeteacher
Part time job at Dap sip li station
(No5 line)답십리
1. Location ; Dap sip li station (It takes 5 minutes to get from Shin cehon station on foot )
2. Class time : at 4 pm on Saturday once a week for 90 minutes from 3th Sep 3. Student: 1st grade middle school student
4. Student level : beginner + intergrade
5. only English Native speaker:
6. please send me your resume and photo
Part time job at Su ji gu cheong station
(No.Bun dang line) 수지구청역
1. Location ; Su ji gu cheong station (It takes 10 minutes to get from Shin cehon station on foot )
2. Class time : after 6 pm on Monday once a week for 90 minutes 3. Student: 1st grade high school student
4. Student level : beginner+ intergrade
5. only English Native speaker: You have to speak Englsih
6. please send me your resume and photo.
Part time job at Shin cheon Song pa gu
(No.2 green line) 신천역
1. Location ; Shin cheon (It takes 5 minutes to get from Shin cehon station on foot )
2. Class time : at 3pm on Tuesday or Thursday 3. Student: 5 -year- old boy
4. Student level : beginner
5. only female English Native speaker: You have to speak Englsih
6. please send me your resume and photo.
Part time job at Am sa station (No.5 line )
1. Location ; Am sa station (It takes 10 minutes to get there on foot )
2. Class time ; at 5 pm onThurs or Fri once a week for 1.5 hour from 25, 26th Aug
3. Student : An adult who is a high Englsih teacher
4. class : writing
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.I sent wrong massages
Part time job at Dun cheon station Kang nam gu (No.5 line )
1. Location ; Dun cheon station (It takes 10 minutes to get there by bus)
2. Class time ; at 4 or 5 pm on Tue or Thurs once a week for 1 hour
3. Student : A 3rd grade ele school student
4. student level :beginner
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.I sent wrong massages
Part time job at Kang nam gu cheong station Kang nam gu (No.7 line )
1. Location ; Kang nam gu cheong station (It takes 10 minutes to get there on foot )
2. Class time ; He can fit your time 3 times a week for 90minutes after 2pm on weekdays
3. Student : A 1st grade ele school student
4. student level :intergade
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.I sent wrong massages
Part time job at Gu ll station Gu ro gu (No.1 Blue line )
1. Location ; Gu ll station (It takes 5minutes to get there on foot )
2. Class time ; She can fit your time once a week for 90minutes
3. Student : A female adult
4. student level :intergade
5. only female English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.I sent wrong massages
Part time job at Jeong ja station Bun dang gu (No. Bun dang line )
1. Location ; Bun dang station (It takes 5minutes to get there on foot )
2. Class time ; 11 am on SAT once a week for 90minutes
3. Student : A female adult
4. student level :intergade
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.I sent wrong massages
Part time job Han seong Univ station Yong san gu Seoul (No. 4 line )
1. Location ; Han seoung Univ. station (It takes 10minutes to get there by bus )
2. Class time ; 4 pm on Mon or Wed or Fri once a week for 90minutes
3. Student : 5 year old kid
4. student level : beginner
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no.I sent wrong massages.
Part time job at Dong dae Moon gu or No won gu
1. Location ; No won gu
2. Class time : at 10 am on Sat for 90 minutes once a week
3. Student: a female adult
4. Student level : beginner
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume
7.kakao id : primeteacher
Part time job at Tan hyun, Back ma or Ju yeop or Dae wha station ll san dong gu(No.3 or Kyoung yi line)
1. Location ; any station in IIsan (It takes 5 minutes to get from station on foot )
2. Class time : He wants to finish at least 4;30 pm on weekday or weekend
3. Student: a male adult who will go Australia in this Nov to work.
4. Student level : beginner
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume
7.kakao id : primeteacher
Part time job at Shin gal station Ki heung gu Yong in city (No.3 line)
1. Location ; Shin gal station (It takes 7 minutes to get from station on foot )
2. Class time : at 5 or 6 pm on Tue or wed once a week for 90 minutes
3. Student: 14 -year- old boy
4. Student level : beginner + intergrade
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume
7.kakao id : primeteacher
Part time job at Jeong bal san station ll san dong gu(No.3 line)
1. Location ; Jeong bal san (It takes 7 minutes to get from station on foot )
2. Class time : at 7pm on Friday 3. Student: 11 -year- old boy
4. Student level : beginner + intergrade
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume
7.kakao id : primeteacher
Part time job at Am sa station Kang dong gu(No.5 line)암사역
1. Location ; Am sa dong (It takes 20 minutes to get from station on foot )
2. Class time :at 2pm (during vacation ) at 5~6pm on weekdays once a week
3. Student: a high school English teach
4. Student level : high level
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume
7.kakao id : primeteacher
Part time job at Jam sil station Song pa gu(No.2 line)
1. Location ; Jam sil station (It takes 7 minutes to get from station on foot )
2. Class time : at 6pm on Monday 3. Student: 6 -year- old boy
4. Student level : beginner
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume
7.kakao id : primeteacher
Part time job at Ju yeop dong llsan Seo gu(No.3 line)
1. Location ; Ju yeop dong (It takes 5 minutes to get from Ju yeop station on foot )
2. Class time : at 11am on Saterday twice a month for 1 hour 2nd and 4th weekend
3. Students : ele kids 9th Apr. And 23rd Apr.
4. Student level : beginners
5. only English Native speaker
6. please send me your resume
7.I can pay you 40000/1 hour
8.kakao id : primeteacher