tutoring4 Part time Jobs in Korea,Tutor, Full time jobs in Seoul, Teachers in Korea , Wanted Part time Job at In choen Univ station(No.Incheon 1 line) 1. Location: In cheon Univ or Central Park station (It takes 15 minutes to get there from station on foot )센트럴파크역 2.class time : at 7pm anyday twice a week for 1.hour 3. Student : one 3rd high school student who will go Austrelia to study 4. only English Native speaker 5. pg8126677@naver.com please send me y.. 2017. 7. 6. Part time Jobs in Korea,Seoul, Kyoung ki do Full time Job at Won heung station (No.3 line). 원흥역(English teaching Job) 1.Location : Won heung station 2.Class time : 25 hours a week 3.Students : Kinder,ele,middle 4.Salary : 2.5M 5.Housing provided 6.If you are interested please send me your C.V to pg8126677@naver.com Part time jon in Seo hyun station (No.Bundnag line) 1. Location ; Seo hyun station (It takes 5 minut.. 2016. 10. 5. Part time jobs in Korea , Seoul, Kyoung ki do Part time job at Mang woo station.(No.Kyoung chun or Kyoung yi Green+Bule line) 1. Location ;Mang woo station (It takes 3 minutes to get there on foot) 2. Class time : after 5pm on Mon after 6pm on Tue Thurs Fri twice a week for 60 or 90 minutes.anytime after 5-6pm 3. Student : one 6th ele grade student 4. Student level : intergrade 5. Only Brithish English Native speaker 6. p.. 2016. 9. 8. Part time jobs in Korea. teaching jobs in Korea,Seoul,tutoring,full time jobs in Korea. Part time Job at Sang gal fGdong station.(No. 5 line ) 1. Location ; Kang dong station (It takes 5 minutes to get there on foot) 2. Class time : at 6;30 pm on weekdays once a week for 1.5 hour 3. Students : 1 female adult 4.level : intergrade 5. Only English Native speaker 6. pg8126677@naver.com please send me your resume and photo and Korean Phone no. Part time Job at Kang do.. 2016. 7. 5. 이전 1 다음